June 2022 Minutes


Submitted by Sharon McCollough


DATE:  June 11, 2022

LOCATION:  Bedrock RV Park, Grand Saline, Texas

President Scott Lyles called the meeting to order and requested all cell phones be silenced.

OPENING PRAYER:  Mike McCollough


INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS/NEW MEMBERS:  There were no guests or new members.

President Lyles asked if there were any corrections or changes to the minutes as posted on the Website. There were no changes or corrections.  Carol Duke made a motion to accept the minutes as posted and was seconded by Ty Kolb. Motion carried.

Those present at the meeting were:  Scott and Darla Lyles, Wayne and Lou Brush, Lucille Bean, Tim and Carol Duke, Norm and Carol Fitzgerald, Mike and Sharon McCollough, Ty and Delores Kolb, Bud and Elaine Toleos, and Johnny and Brenda Bean.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Vaughn Linders presented the Audit Report for 2019, 2020, and 2021. Results looked great but not perfect. There were minuscule mistakes.  Mr. Linders signed the Audit. Wayne Brush made a motion to accept the Audit and was seconded by Mike McCollough. Motion carried.

Our treasurer, Carol Duke, reported that the bank balance was adjusted to reflect the small mistakes from the Audit.  Our bank balance is $870.18.  There were no expenses or deposits made since December 2021.  Lou Brush made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Bud Toleos.  Motion Carried.

WAGON MASTER REPORT:  Tim Duke stated that we had 10 rigs present and one couple staying in a room.  Shiryl Nelson was a drive in for Saturday.

SUNSHINE REPORT:  Brenda Bean said that Gloria Delmar was recovering from Knee Surgery and doing well.


CHAPLAIN REPORT:  No meeting this time as everyone had to leave early.  Two rigs were on their way to Mount Rushmore.

BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES:           Birthdays – Brenda Bean and Sharon McCollough

Former members – John McCurry 1931
                                           Sheryl Hazelwood

Anniversaries – Former Members
                                    AC and JoEllen Blair 1956
                                    Joe and Sylvia Thomas 1951

PRESIDENT’S REPORT:  Scott Lyles has been contacted by Donna Mann, Assistant State Director, about the Mini Rally on September 14th – 17th at the Mineola Civic Center. There will be 3 rigs attending but not participating in helping with parking etc. from our chapter.

Our president, Scott Lyles, is concerned about our chapter.  This month (June) is the 1st meeting of 2022 due to weather, covid or lack of rigs.  Sometimes, we only have 5 to 6 rigs (even with the Frontier Sams) which is not enough for the RV parks to allow us to use the Hall.

Option #1:  Scott has been talking with Larry Walker from DFW Sams about co-camping with them as they are experiencing the same problem of not having enough rigs.  They have invited us to camp with them on the Second weekend of July at Lake Athens Marina and RV Park.

Option #2:  To have no chapter but to continue camping together as friends but have no hall, hosts etc.

Motion was made by Wayne Brush to camp (one time visit) with DFW Sams on July 6th – 10th. Seconded by Jamie Linders. Motion carried.  There will be 7 rigs going to Lake Athens Marina and RV Park in July.

HOST REPORT:  Cake and Ice Cream was served Friday night after dinner for Birthdays and Anniversaries.  Chicken will be served at 5:00 p.m.  Everyone bring a side dish.

Motion was made by Janie Linders to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mike McCollough.  Meeting adjourned.