February 2020 Campout Report

Choctaw KOA
Durant, OK
February 7 – 9 2020
By: Darla Lyles

All you need is love, isn’t that how the song goes? Even with the weather not being so lovely Wednesday, causing angst amongst us campers, Jay and Gloria Delmar and Wayne and Lou Brush ventured out Thursday morning. Scott and Darla Lyles ventured out Friday afternoon as did Nola Schrum, a visitor. We had 10 rigs together with Frontier and the KOA allowed us to use their lovely clubhouse. The weather also proved lovely, with temps reaching into the mid-60’s on Saturday.

Jay and Gloria brought deer chili and all the fixins for dinner Thursday night. And, as I understand it, there was an incident with Jay’s most prized hat.

We all gathered for dinner at Naifeh’s Friday night and had a lovely time. Then we headed back to Choctaw for card games, visiting and chocolate.

Jim and Darlene Beasley, Lucille Bean, Norm and Carol Fitzgerald, Patsy and Larry Irby, and Mike and Sharon McCullough all arrived Saturday morning. We had our meeting and celebrated Patsy Irby and Mike McCullough’s birthdays and Larry and Patsy Irby’s anniversary with three lovely desserts—a white ice cream cake with chocolate ice cream; a chocolate cookie with vanilla ice cream and a sugar free chocolate loaf with sugar-free ice cream. Then we played card games, Joker, visited, and ate various snacks. Later on, the hall was decorated and Frontier served grilled chicken and baked potatoes. There were lots of yummy sides and lovely desserts. After dinner, us friends played a few rousing games of Valentine Bingo until the fabulous prizes were gone! Kudos to Gloria! (Just for the record, all prizes under $5).

Sunday morning Jay Delmar brought our devotional from Hebrews on God’s promises, hope and love. Jay and Gloria and Wayne and Lou went to breakfast at Choctaw and just as breakfast arrived, our visitor, Nola Schrum needed some help. She experienced car trouble and Wayne called a tow truck for her making sure the tow truck arrived before hanging up. Nola, her SUV and her camper were safely transported off the roadway and taken to their needed destinations. Thank you Wayne for your assistance and eating a cold breakfast! It must have been Wayne’s day because the shuttle ride from the Casino to the campground proved to be, well, weird. The story might just be an opening for the next meeting!

It was a fun weekend! We will be camping March 11-15 at Bedrock, Grand Saline. See ya there!

Happy Trails!